Self-empowerment Tips- Part 1

True healing comes from and into self-empowerment. Feeling inspired to write about this topic, as this is what I aspire to offer in my work ultimately.

My practice in Reconnective Healing/The Reconnection is all about that, and the process that starts the acceleration of your life path would take you into more authenticity.

Part 1 includes 3 tips:

Self-empowerment tip #1:IMG_7520

Remember to take some time to soak in the healing rays and reconnect with nature, which is available freely. It can give you more energy, boosts your immune system, heal skin issues, helps with depression, increase bone health, increase oxygen in and cleanse blood, lower cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, etc. More balance= more productivity and positivity


Self-empowerment tip #2:

How are you breathing?

  • Breath is life. Something that is so vital 24/7 to our lives and yet seems to be taken for granted as we are unaware of it most of the time. There are many different breathing techniques out there that offer powerful effects on the body/mind/spirit. It can even induce altered states of consciousness. It is a powerful tool that we can utilize to heal ourselves in many ways.

To relax muscles:

  • I appreciate massage clients who can really breathe as their bodies would be relaxed enough for me to work on and receive more. Sending breath to any tension areas in the body helps move stagnation. That can be done while receiving massage as well as off the table.

12963892_1154868861191635_7164444754028418981_nTo reduce anxiety, depression, stress and overwhelm:

  • When you catch yourself in a tough or stressful situation, try breathing deeper and see how you might handle it and react differently.

To meditate and stay grounded:

  • Simply savour every delicious breath consciously brings you back to the moment and the appreciation of life.

Breathe, notice, allow and let go 🙂


Self-empowerment tip #3:

Are you driving your vehicle/ body properly?

  • Sure, sometimes you need to take your body for a fix or maintenance but you can minimize that by learning how to “drive” your body properly. If you can create these habits, they can offer a long term positive impact on your overall well-being.

How are you holding your posture while you are working, on the computer, doing any physical activities, etc?

  • You can get to know your own body and figure out how to hold yourself in a better way so that unnecessary effort, strains and injuries can be lessen. Even if you are busy, you can still make time to stretch and exercise. It can be incorporated into your daily life, such as pulling your shoulders back while driving, stretching your neck during showers, etc.

What are you putting into your body?

  • Learning about nutrition and what your body needs can keep your body and mind functioning well. How many drinks can your body handle without compromising your health?
    Aside from these, there are many other factors that can affect you, such as other people energetically, environment, etc. How your body, mind and spirit work together can be seen as a mysterious miracle. There is a whole universe to be explored within yourself.

Bruce Lipton’s video



Posted on: June 21, 2016, by :